Turn Medical is turning patients towards positive outcomes

Turn Medical's solutions can help.
March is peak respiratory virus

is turning patients
towards positive outcomes

prone therapy innovation

therapy solutions
developed by
critical care clinicians

We are Turn Medical
Turn Medical is a provider of automated prone positioning solutions for patients and caregivers.
We are more than a product, more than a logo. We are a group of passionate people committed to delivering solutions that are impactful, compassionate, and revolutionary.

Pronova-O2™ Automated Prone Therapy System
We launched Turn Medical in response to the substantial research promoting the benefits of prone (face-down) positioning for critically ill patients with respiratory distress. We developed the Pronova-O2™ Automated Prone Therapy System to address the growing need for a safer and simpler alternative to the labor-intensive manual repositioning of these patients by healthcare staff.
The Pronova-O2 Automated Prone Therapy System provides three therapies: prone therapy, prone therapy with continuous lateral rotation, and supine rotational therapy. Designed with input from critical care nurses with years of successful experience in prone positioning, this system provides an effective and efficient way for clinicians to move patients into the prone position and to maintain their safety and comfort by easily rotating their position from side to side as needed.
We launched Turn Medical in response to the substantial research promoting the benefits of prone (face-down) positioning for critically ill patients with respiratory distress. We developed the Pronova-O2™ Automated Prone Therapy System to address the growing need for a safer and simpler alternative to the labor-intensive manual repositioning of these patients by healthcare staff. The Pronova-O2 provides three therapies: prone therapy, prone therapy with continuous lateral rotation, and supine rotational therapy. Designed with input from critical care nurses with years of successful experience in prone positioning, this system provides an effective and efficient way for clinicians to move patients into the prone position and to maintain their safety and comfort by easily rotating their position from side to side as needed.
Automated Prone Therapy Solutions
We partner with healthcare facilities to provide value-based solutions and make the Pronova-O2™ readily available to patients and caregivers.

Have a question about Turn Medical, prone positioning, or the Pronova-O2™? See the answers to our Frequently Asked Questions, contact us at 855-275-8876, or email us at info@turnmedical.com

Turn Medical revolves around our people
Our Turn Medical team is considered one of the most trusted and innovative partners for clinical institutions, patients, families, and caregivers. We are united through the vision of patient first. If this is your vision, we want you with us.
Contact Info
Our Location:
1160 Arion Pkwy, Ste 102
San Antonio, TX 78216
Call Us:
Career Opportunities
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Turn Medical attracts and retains talented individuals who are ready to tackle challenges and be part of a collaborative culture.